Monday, June 11, 2012

so close yet so far

As Sunday's have gone...they haven't been good to me basically since i started playing poker.  All of my major scores have been mid week......til this past Sunday.  3rd in the Revolution 100k for $10k.  Definitely not my biggest score....but my biggest by far since BF.  Was a good feeling.  Even though 3 handed my KK got caught by 23o I still was very proud with how I played.  Rail was fun (i usually clown a bit at FT's, I think it a) throws off some of the players from their game and b)usually relaxes me a bit. 

It's hard to believe that after Merge's "downgrade", yes i refuse to call it an upgrade, just how bad it is.  Could they have picked a worse time to roll out such an atrocity.  I used to think the cake software was bad...oops...grats merge.

As I forgot to mention in my last post...a BIG grats goes to Manderbutt, for her second place at the WSOP.  A fellow pxfer it's always great to see good things happen to fellow members.  Though I never had a chance to say hi to her at the wsop circuit in west palm as she seemed to be focussing on her table or someone else was chatting with her.  I always feel awkward just walking up to strangers to talk.  I always feel like i'm intruding on them.

Til next on the virtual felt


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So far so good

Well my first night playing on the new "revolution" site on the cake skin and got a win...woo was a $30 5k for 1.1k.  Praying the lock RNG didn't make the move over as well to all the skins...whew...dodged that bullet ;).  If you're just starting to play poker it's good to have a friend or 2 to bounce things off of or just talk bout hands.  It's good to have a little bit of every level in my opinion so you stay sharp on all aspects of the game.  If you just talk to the high rollers their plays are intended for most thinking players where when u mud it up in the lower buyins those 5th lvl thinkers are few and far between.  But those are the ideas you want to be able to utilize as you progress through your poker learnings. Gonna put a small grind session tonight on cake then off to real work for a few nights (yuck!!).

Good luck on the virtual felt


Monday, June 4, 2012

The Lock move

Well it's my first night since lock moved to a cake skin.  I wish they would have changed structures and starting stacks prior to the move.  It's really disappointing to start with 2k with the cake structure that is a little faster than an already fast merge structure.  I've been running pretty bad for quite some time so this move does bring a breath of fresh aire my way.  Though the first night seems to be the same merge  Usually moves like this are met with alot of outrage from the poker community.  But we'll let lock get it's updates out as i've heard they are supposed to make changes to the software/structures/schedule and so forth.  The schedule they have out isn't too bad....It could be really good if the guarantees increase as i'm not sure if they started low to see the response or started high to attract players at first. 

Til next time
