Monday, June 11, 2012

so close yet so far

As Sunday's have gone...they haven't been good to me basically since i started playing poker.  All of my major scores have been mid week......til this past Sunday.  3rd in the Revolution 100k for $10k.  Definitely not my biggest score....but my biggest by far since BF.  Was a good feeling.  Even though 3 handed my KK got caught by 23o I still was very proud with how I played.  Rail was fun (i usually clown a bit at FT's, I think it a) throws off some of the players from their game and b)usually relaxes me a bit. 

It's hard to believe that after Merge's "downgrade", yes i refuse to call it an upgrade, just how bad it is.  Could they have picked a worse time to roll out such an atrocity.  I used to think the cake software was bad...oops...grats merge.

As I forgot to mention in my last post...a BIG grats goes to Manderbutt, for her second place at the WSOP.  A fellow pxfer it's always great to see good things happen to fellow members.  Though I never had a chance to say hi to her at the wsop circuit in west palm as she seemed to be focussing on her table or someone else was chatting with her.  I always feel awkward just walking up to strangers to talk.  I always feel like i'm intruding on them.

Til next on the virtual felt


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